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German Delegation from Hessen Visiting Cavazza

Accompanied by Emilia-Romagna’s Regional Vice-President Elly Schlein, the German delegation was welcomed by the Istituto Francesco Cavazza’s senior management, who presented to the guests the services and activities aimed at the labour and social integration of blind and visually impaired persons.
Pier Michele Borra

German Delegation from Hessen Visiting Cavazza

delegation from the German Region of Hesse guided by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour to visit our Institute. On the occasion, we presented our services and activities, illustrating their content and cultural and professional value for the purpose of labour and social integration of blind and visually impaired people. In addition, we addressed with Vice President Schlein the need for a more structured relationship between our Institute and the Emilia-Romagna region, especially with a view to further expanding the services that the Cavazza Institute offers people living with vision loss and other disabilities. 

Elly Schlein, Emilia-Romagna's Regional Vice-President, Istituto Cavazza, Bologna

This group of people is constantly growing in our modern society. It is essential to commit to research and experimentation with services enabling these people to acquire personal autonomy to allow them better and more satisfying levels of independent living.

Elly Schlein, Emilia-Romagna's Regional Vice-President, Istituto Cavazza, Bologna

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