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Rodolfo Cattani: A Great Man

He has fought with generosity and competence throughout his life for the rights of persons with disabilities.
Silvia Colombini

It is with deep sorrow that Bologna’s Institute for the Blind Francesco Cavazza mourns the loss of the late Rodolfo Cattani by family, friends, and colleagues. Among the many positions he held, his tenure as a member of our Board of Directors and Scientific Committee remains in our hearts. A role in which he has always dedicated himself with the generosity and competence that have characterized his entire career. Just to name a few stars shining in his resume both nationally and internationally, Rodolfo has been President of the European Blind Union (EBU), Vice-President of the World Blind Union (WBU), Secretary General of the European Disability Forum (EDF). 

Rodolfo Cattani

Blind from birth, a graduate in Philosophy of Science from the University of Bologna, Professor Cattani did not limit himself to teaching in schools but spread his knowledge by fighting throughout his life for the rights of blind and visually impaired people and for anyone living with a disability. Anyone who has ever had the good fortune to meet him tells of his moral depth and unwavering commitment, which have enabled him to accomplish tremendous achievements in improving the quality of life of so many people. Known to all as Rudy, he left us on September 8th, after spending his life between meetings, travels, conferences, becoming a point of reference for all our large community.


A forerunner of issues such as cultural accessibility, achieving rights, social inclusion, Rodolfo Cattani has always made his own personal contribution, fighting like the great man he was in every situation. During his professional career, he was appreciated worldwide for his diplomatic skills, his poised and intelligent dialectic, and the human warmth he was able to convey to everyone around him. From international political figures to the ordinary people he came into contact with, whether for personal or business reasons, Rodolfo treated everyone with equal kindness, always conveying great wisdom and soulfulness. His love for life, in all its aspects, has perhaps been the driving force that has always led him to approach every situation with passion and competence. In an interview with the European Disability Forum this summer, before his health deteriorated, he stated that he would continue to dedicate himself, “to disability and human rights issues at the European and international level.” Unfortunately, he left us too early, leaving us without his precious presence, support and contribution. It is thanks to him that we have achieved so much, it is with his example that will always remain in our hearts and in our daily work that we hope to reach new goals.


Thank you, Rudy, from all of us.


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