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Risultati elezione assemblea generale EBU, ottobre 2015

Election Results from the EBU 10th General Assembly


Elections are held for the EBU Board Members, Nominations Committee and for representatives for the World Blind Union's Executive Committee.

In the ballot for the position of President of the EBU, Wolfgang Angermann had received 143 votes, and Fazilet Hadi had received 79 votes. Wolfgang Angermann was therefore declared as having been re-elected President of the EBU.

Alexander Neumyvakin was declared EBU's First Vice President, having stood unopposed.

In the ballot for the position of Second Vice President, Barbara Martín Muñoz had received 195 votes, and Vaclav Polasek had received 28 votes. Barbara Martín Muñoz was therefore declared as having been elected as Second Vice President of the EBU.

Maria Kyriacou was declared EBU's Secretary General, having stood unopposed.

Philippe Chazal was declared EBU's Treasurer, having stood unopposed.

Vaclav Polasek, Mario Barbuto, Emin Demirci, Bozidar Denda, Ann Jonsson, Ana Sofia Antunes and Sinan Tafaj were declared elected as ordinary members of the Board.

Emin Demirci, Ana Sofia Antunes and Alexander Neumyvakin were declared as representatives for the World Blind Union's Executive Committee.

In the ballot for the position of Chair of the Nominations Committee, Sigrun Bessadottir had received 103 votes, and John Heilbrunn had received 119 votes. John Heilbrunn was therefore declared as having been elected as Chair of the Nominations Committee.

The remaining members of the Nominations Committee were declared as Rudolf Volejník, Sigrun Bessadottir, Rodolfo Cattani, and Christian Hugentobler.

In addition to the above, EBU Honorary Life Membership was awarded to Des Kenny from Ireland in recognition of his long record of work on behalf of the blind and partially sighted community.


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