The many faces of disability

With short reviews or interviews, this column invites our readers and supporters to occasionally read a book written by disadvantaged people
Elio De Leo

“It’s a tough life, but somebody has to do it…; It’s always good to know the shape and size of the canvas where I’ll have to start painting with my imagination…;

Not seeing has this advantage: a window overlooking a street becomes a window of light, and I choose the panorama… and there’s a background for every kind of mood.”



“I look without focusing…; the mind is really strange: it replaces my eyes effortlessly, and I really feel like I see what I have around me…; I have to be aware of certain limits and overcome them by replacing sight with other abilities.”




“I look for the morning with my ears.”




“My mind works better than Photoshop.”



Paolo, Eva, Andrea, and Maria Lucia use parallel editing to describe their day as visually-impaired or blind people. A paratactic narrative, without frills or rhetoric. An explanation of their incredible ability to engage with the world, to know and interpret it. A science of sensitive knowledge, the multicolored aesthetic of people who don’t see objects. They share an important resource, a prospect – Cavazza – a place to come to, an opportunity for professional training, an organized space where they can experience united, inclusive sociality, a further source of aware incentive toward a life lived with others, with everyone.

There’s nothing rhetorical in these pages, not a hint of pity.

Just solid, secular awareness and the desire to live life with all of its ups and downs.

Vedremo – Let’s see.


You can find this book in all bookstores and in all online bookstores.


Let’s support reading, let’s support "Vedremo."



Cover of book "Vedremo" - Edizioni Pendragon


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