The Center for women against violence has a new address

The Center for women against violence has moved from via dell’Oro no. 3 to via Masia 19/A.
Silvia Saccoccia

On January 1, 2024, the Center for women against violence, which for over thirty years has sheltered and supported women who go to Anti-violence Centers throughout Bologna and its province, moved to via Masia 19/A, a completely accessible facility without architectural barriers, to receive all women who are victims of violence. Gender violence is a phenomenon common to all cultures, generations, economic conditions, and sexual orientations.  It also regards countless women with disabilities. 

The Center needed and wanted this new location for many years. After the introduction of reception in LIS on the telephone line (388 40 17 237), and with the new, large, and practical facility without architectural barriers, conditions, and sexual orientations. 

It also regards countless women with disabilities. 

The Center needed and wanted this new location for many years. Photo of crowdfunding of Casa delle donne - BolognaAfter the introduction of reception in LIS on the telephone line (388 40 17 237), and with the new, large, and practical facility without architectural barriers, the Center is fully accessible, taking an important step forward in offering inclusive reception to all women in need. 

The building, owned by Cooperativa Risanamento, also marks the beginning of a new social partnership, just like the one formed with the Cavazza Institute in 2000. For over 20 years, the Center for women against violence and the Cavazza Institute organized and held numerous meetings, conferences, and workshops, uniting knowledge and opportunities to create essential networks and synergies among associations. 

These occasions were also made possible with the collaboration of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the UICI and with the training and conference programs that the Center for women offers every year at the Festival La Violenza Illustrata.

The move – performed without interrupting the Center’s services – required enormous effort and work, both physical and emotional: over 30 years of the Center’s feminist and political history, stored at via dell’Oro 3, were transported to the other side of the city. To bear the cost of the move (supported by the association and with the help of companies and professionals), a crowdfunding campaign was launched on the Produzioni dal Basso platform, with the goal of raising €10,000.

Anyone can help by searching for “La Casa cambia casa: una nuova sede per Casa delle donne per non subire violenza” on the crowdfunding platform website, and by visiting the Center’s social media pages and website. Support (by women and men alike) is vital: supporting the Center’s activities and projects means assuming a small share of responsibility for violence against women and doing something to fight it.

The Center’s telephone numbers and email address remain the same.

Email: accoglienzabologna@

Telephone number 051 333173, WhatsApp 338 4017237.  

For hearing-impaired women, the videocall service in LIS remains active at 338 4017237.  

The new location is open to the public from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. On the weekend, the Center can be telephoned from 10 AM to 4 PM.


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