Thirty years and counting

The numbers that have written our story
Editorial Staff

After thirty years, it’s time to check the numbers, so we made a list of all the issues of “Vedere Oltre” published over the years and of course we took stock. We started counting all of the articles, the interviews, the topics covered, and we understood that those numbers were telling us a story. Because numbers talk to people who can listen, just like a symphony, and so we found that we’ve published 66 articles on music. We’ve also interviewed 21 important Italians in a variety of fields, including Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, directors Pupi Avati and Silvio Soldini, politicians such as Stefano Bonaccini and Achille Occhetto, athletes like Alex Zanardi, singers like Andrea Bocelli, and artists like Alessandro Bergonzoni (who wrote 6 pieces for us!). We discussed our territory, publishing 45 articles on Emilia-Romagna and 75 on Bologna, the city we belong to and in which we’ve grown, page after page. So much so that we’ve interviewed 2 Rectors, 6 Prefects, 5 Mayors, and 6 Council Members who honored us with their presence and increased our understanding of Bologna. Well aware of our mission and of our readers’ needs, we published 83 articles on health, which dealt with the main visual diseases and the advances, treatments, or initiatives that concern them. Because “Vedere Oltre” is this, too: learning to take an open view of the world and trying to explain it to people who may have a different (but equally as valid) opinion.

The evolution of the covers of Vedere Oltre - Bologna

We’ve also tried to present a complete panorama of new cultural trends, with many in-depth discussions: there were 50 articles on cinema, comic strips, paintings, sculptures, and architecture, plus 16 on books, so that everyone could know about the latest events in these fields. This is what inclusion is all about: providing an accessible tool, such as a magazine in hard copy and online, and making it available to everyone to help them get their bearings in a world full of events. The Cavazza Institute organized many of these events, about which 47 articles were written, and another 25 pieces dealt with activities for young people, with comments by participants and descriptions of how the activities were conducted, so that many families might learn about them and sign up their children in the future. And although it’s true that mathematics isn’t an opinion, our numbers indicate not only a quantity but also a value that goes beyond mere calculation. They signify commitment, passion, absolute dedication to a dialog with an audience of readers that over the years has constantly grown and become more diversified. Of course, we’ve also remembered our animal friends, athletes, and fans of psychological tests, with 16, 17, and 47 articles, respectively. In other words, we could continue dividing, adding, multiplying, but the result wouldn’t change: our 30 years are there, an important accomplishment for a magazine which , 3 times a year, tries to make a difference, to make a small contribution to society.

Therefore, happy and proud of reaching this goal together with our readers, we think we can say we have what it takes to keep talking about the world to the best of our ability.


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